{{ Busy Kitten }}
2014-10-09 @ 11:21:55
Är så där mycket överallt just nu så det känns som man ska gå sönder. Så därför lär bloggen + Blogtober14 bli lidande. Försöker hinna med sociala biten så jag inte bara isolerar mig och sover lediga stunder så igår var jag nere på stan och fikade med bästa folket efter alla hade slutat jobba. Var skönt att bara sitta och vara med bra sällskap någon timme. Så därför missar jag nu ett par dagar av Blogtober14!
There's so much to do on all parts of life right now that it feels like I'm gonne break. So there for the blog + Blogtober14 will most likely suffer sadly enough. Trying to make time for the social part so yesterday after everyone got off work I sat in town just hanging, drinking coffee and eating yum yum with awesome people. So there for I'll miss a few days of Blogtober14!
There's so much to do on all parts of life right now that it feels like I'm gonne break. So there for the blog + Blogtober14 will most likely suffer sadly enough. Trying to make time for the social part so yesterday after everyone got off work I sat in town just hanging, drinking coffee and eating yum yum with awesome people. So there for I'll miss a few days of Blogtober14!
{ #BLOGTOBER14 } 10 Things I'd Tell Myself When I Started Blogging...
2014-10-06 @ 21:56:16
If I had my blog as a job or part time job I would probably have loads to say about this. But I blog because I think it's fun, also great if you need a good rant even if you don't post 99% of those posts lol. I go with my thing and write what I want to write about, when I want to write it. But a few things popping up are these:
- It takes time. Blogging takes more time than most think, it's not just writing a post but much more.
- Blog for you! Doesn't matter if it's a personal blog or a themed blog. Write what you want to write and keep it fun.
- Don't feel guilty. Everyone face those times when the blogging just doesn't happen. You have no idea/motivations and the blog dies a bit or completly. It's okay!
Dear Monday,
2014-10-06 @ 07:54:58
Ny vecka, nya äventyr och serier kommer fortsätta ramla in med säsongs start! Serier som kommer tillbaka på löpande band gör det lite lättare med vardagen faktiskt. Känns som jag precis simmar över ytan just nu för flög ner i värsta svackan flat faced för över 2 veckor sedan. Men även denna svacka kommer att passera, behöver bara fokusera på jobbet och vila mer än vanligt.
New week, new adventures and shows keep falling in with a season premiere this week as well! Shows coming back makes it easier to get through daily life right now. Feels like I'm holding my head just above the surface at the moment after having fallen down flat faced into depression time over two weeks ago. But it'll pass, I just need to focus at work and rest more than usual.
New week, new adventures and shows keep falling in with a season premiere this week as well! Shows coming back makes it easier to get through daily life right now. Feels like I'm holding my head just above the surface at the moment after having fallen down flat faced into depression time over two weeks ago. But it'll pass, I just need to focus at work and rest more than usual.
{ #BLOGTOBER14 } My Fall Bucket List...
2014-10-05 @ 19:54:28
I've found that when I make a bucket list that just writing down what comes to mind works best for me
or I will spend hours writing/deleting ending up making none so here we go...
- Decorate for Halloween.
- Have loads of Horror movie marathons.
- Drink lots of tea.
- Photo Walks.
- Make Halloween cards for people.
- Find a sencted candle that doesn't give me a migraine.
- Find & Buy a pair of (at least knee high) black boots.
- Watch movies from this post.
- Buy a new pair of slippers.
{ #BLOGTOBER14 } Favorite Photo I Posted On Instagram
2014-10-04 @ 20:23:19
Favorite PHOTO and not PHOTOS...okay give me a minute and I'll have to go and have a look...
*500 years later*
After a lot of frustration after having to pick one out of sooo many photos I chose this one. Not the best quality (everyone goes, what quality?!) but it's of me and my baby bun Oliver. This little bunny seem small to the world but he means the world to me. For most he is "just" a bunny but to me he is my best friend and baby boy, I love him with all of my heart. He's been in life for almost 4 years now which is insane because it don't seem that long ago since I picked up that little fluffy ball of fur he once was.
{ #BLOGTOBER14 } One Thing I Can't Live Without...
2014-10-03 @ 15:24:01
Since the title is "Thing" I'm going to focus on things but in general what I can't live without are people close to me along with pets (pets are people to me but still) but let's dig into that material part of life, shall we?
One thing I can't live without is; My Fandoms.
My fandoms like shows, movies, Harry Potter and so on has a mayor part in my life (which most of you know) but it makes me function better. And it's a life saver for me when I'm struggling more than usual with life due to depression and other things. My shows don't just give me happiness but they also give me structure in life, espically when a new season is airing I'm better at having a daily routine to stick to, it makes it easier to focus on things outside of it as well. And lets not forget all the amazing people I have met through a shared fandom. I wish I could collect them all under one roof and line them up to hug them forever and ever for all the support they've given me through out the years. Fangirl and Proud!
{ #BLOGTOBER14 } Dream Job When I Was Little/What Is It Now...
2014-10-02 @ 17:37:06
Wow okay let's see...
Dream Job When I Was Little
I've always loved animals, even when I was little. So when I was little I wanted to work with animals. First as a vet, then at a zoo and then when I got older it was more on the focus on large cats, like tigers, lions and so on. My biggest dream job was to work on saving tigers. Study them and such in the natural habitat, run organization in order to save their place in this world. Part of me still wants to work with animals. Always will.
What I Do Now
Now I work at a company that mainly import/design jewelry and accessories for children that we sell to other shops (can't for the life of me remember what it's called in English). I'm head of the officee in my town, the main office being in Stockholm, and I do pretty much everything. I photograph products, put it up on our webpages, I edit/design stuff...Invoices, orders...What is needed to be done I do. I love what I do very much. My boss is one of my closest friends and we make a great team. I'm as close to my dream I can get without being there yet even if it's the wrong category in the area. To me it's a little funny because before this job I was very against getting an office job lol.
Part of the job is also a seperate company for my boss product she inveted, the zipholder. So when a huge order come in in that area it's all about making those little things hehe.
Wasn't sure if it was what what my dream is now or what I do now but I suppose it's up to each one! I decided to go with what I do now because it's fun how different things sometime turn out.
{ #BLOGTOBER14 } If I Won The Lottery...
2014-10-02 @ 11:55:02
Oh my! So many thing popping up at the same time but lets calm my brain down and think...
- I would put away a large amount to save. Yes that is me, I love spending money but I love to save as well because you never know what will happen in life when it is needed.
- I would travel like a motherf*cker. Normally to get money to travel you have to work and work takes away many hours of your life, hours you also need to travel...So it doesn't always really match up. There for I would take the chance to travel!
- Attend conventions, like SDCC along with a few in England. Suppose this goes along with nr 2, but it deserves it's own number.
- I would start up my own company with my jewelry and prints. Make it at least 50% of my work hours and cut down on my other job to be honest. I love my day job right now don't get me wrong, but that other part I do as a hobby is like my mayor dream.
- Buy an apartment. Where I rent now is good but in the long run it is better/safer/cheaper to own your own apartment. Also it's more fun on the decoration part because you can do more without the strict rules and also it's easier/cheaper to get that fixed.
- Buy all the merchandise. I'm talking about those big collection pieces that cost a shit load of money. I would be the best friend of companies like Sideshow!
2014-10-02 @ 09:40:00
Den här skulle ha åkt upp igår med första inlägget lite senare. Men jag var däckad i mensvärk. Har inte så jävla ont idag som igår så better late than never ;) Inlägg 1 + 2 kommer upp senare under dagen. #Blogtober14 lets go!
I was suppose to get this up along with the first post yesterday. But I was down in cramps from hell. I'm not in that much pain today so better late than never ;) I will post 1+2 later during the day! #Blogtober14 lets go!
I was suppose to get this up along with the first post yesterday. But I was down in cramps from hell. I'm not in that much pain today so better late than never ;) I will post 1+2 later during the day! #Blogtober14 lets go!
Keep Calm It's Broken Anyway
2014-09-29 @ 09:33:48
Sitter och jobbar hemifrån idag för att min balkongdörr pajade igår. Handtaget bara flög ur och efter lite frustration och pill med mamma efter 22.00 igår kväll så fick vi så jag kan stänga lite i varje fall. Felanmälde imorse (gick upp kl 6 fml) så sitter nu snällt och väntar att någon ska komma och rädda mig medans jag arbetar flitigt. Får jag den inte fixad idag som lovat blir det problem för måste 100% till kontoret imorgon.
Working from home today because my balcony door broke last night. The door handle just flew out and shit, after some frustration and DIYing with my mom past 10pm last night we got it to at least close a little. I called it in this morning (was up around 6am fml) så now I'm sitting here like a nice kitty waiting for someone to come to my rescue while I'm working. If they don't stop by today as promised I'll be in trouble because I have to work from the office tomorrow.
Working from home today because my balcony door broke last night. The door handle just flew out and shit, after some frustration and DIYing with my mom past 10pm last night we got it to at least close a little. I called it in this morning (was up around 6am fml) så now I'm sitting here like a nice kitty waiting for someone to come to my rescue while I'm working. If they don't stop by today as promised I'll be in trouble because I have to work from the office tomorrow.
WolfHeart Shop // Nya Halsband (Doctor Who m.m)
2014-09-28 @ 13:28:05
9 nya halsband i tema Doctor Who, Batman, American Horror Story, Walking Dead m.m! Klicka här eller på bilden.
Yesterday // September 27th
2014-09-28 @ 11:40:57
Efter att ha gått upp alldeles för tidigt (då jag satte klockan på 1 ½ timme tidigare av misstag) så drog jag igår ner på stan och mötte upp bästa Tobbe ^^ Och eftersom jag totalt glömde bort att ta lite foton under dagen så får jag väl bjuda på denna haha. Jag och söta mössor, måste alltid provas!
ph by Tobbe.
Det shoppades lite, både till mig och kaninen. Fick även örat lite töjt oplanerat. Ska fixa andra örat veckan som kommer. Är bara 2mm just nu och blir nog att börja med 3mm sedan då jag hittade plugs på Ebay i den storleken, i slutändan ifall jag töjer mer slutar jag nog på max 4mm :)
After getting up super early (due to putting the alarm 1 ½ hour too early by mistake) yesterday I went into town and hanged with my buddy Tobbe. And since I forgot to take photos during the day I'll give you this one lol. Me and cute hats, always have to try them on.
After getting up super early (due to putting the alarm 1 ½ hour too early by mistake) yesterday I went into town and hanged with my buddy Tobbe. And since I forgot to take photos during the day I'll give you this one lol. Me and cute hats, always have to try them on.
I shoped a little, both for me and the bunny. I also stretched my ear which wasn't planned. I'm gonna fix my ear next week. I only got a 2mm right now and gonna go up to 3mm to start with since I found plugs on Ebay in that size, will probably satisfy with a 4mm if I go further :)
Baby, It's Friday!
2014-09-26 @ 09:09:28
Bjuder på en halvt awkward bild ifrån söndags innan jag drog iväg med pappa. Fråga mig inte vad jag gör med munnen för det vet jag inte. FREDAG! En dag arbete kvar sen är det helg, helg, heeeelg!
A half awkward photo taken Sunday morning before I hit the road with my dad. Don't ask me what I'm doing with my mouth because be damned if I knew lol. FRIDAY! One days of work left then it's time for the weekend!
A half awkward photo taken Sunday morning before I hit the road with my dad. Don't ask me what I'm doing with my mouth because be damned if I knew lol. FRIDAY! One days of work left then it's time for the weekend!
Webhallen Order // TWD & FREDDY
2014-09-25 @ 19:56:00
Låg i migrän hela dagen igår (fy fan säger jag bara) så idag när lönen kom tröstade jag mig med en beställning på Webhallen. Självklart erövrade The Walking Dead kundvagnen as usual men klickade även hem en ny Pop! i form av älskade Freddy Krueger!
I laid down in a migraine all day yesterday (fucking hell bleh) so today since it's payday and I felt sorry for myslef I placed an order over at Webhallen. Of course The Walking Dead conquered the shopping cart as usual but I also clicked home a new Pop! in the form of my babe Freddy Krueger!
I laid down in a migraine all day yesterday (fucking hell bleh) so today since it's payday and I felt sorry for myslef I placed an order over at Webhallen. Of course The Walking Dead conquered the shopping cart as usual but I also clicked home a new Pop! in the form of my babe Freddy Krueger!
Autumn Loves
2014-09-22 @ 16:19:47
I Am Disturbed Enough Already
2014-09-20 @ 13:19:11
Detta är min helg pretty much. Känner behov av att dra mig tillbaka och bara vara. Pyssla lite nördigheter till WolfHeart kanske, göra lite blogg jobb...kolla på en film eller 100. Mysa med kaninen under tiden. Vad har ni för er i helgen?
This is pretty much my weekend. I feel a serious need of just stepping back and just relax. Make a few nerdy things for the shop prehaps, do a bit of blog work...watch a movie or a 100. Cuddle with the bunny. What are you up to this weekend?
This is pretty much my weekend. I feel a serious need of just stepping back and just relax. Make a few nerdy things for the shop prehaps, do a bit of blog work...watch a movie or a 100. Cuddle with the bunny. What are you up to this weekend?
Back in Black AND...
2014-09-20 @ 10:59:44
Igår tog jag mitt extremt urtvättade och trassliga hår ner till syrran efter vi båda hade slutat jobba för en touch up som blev en make over haha. Nej men det blir sådan extrem skillnad med lite färgfix och ögonbryn fix ju!
Tog svart bas och en flaska Ultra Violet ifrån Manic Panic i topparna. And I love it! Tur man har en awesome duktig hardcore frisör som syster som också är snällast i hela världen :) Känns lite udda dock att inte ha hår som fastnar i bhn...haha.
Yesterday I got my hair done! It was damaged and bleh in color so it got a mayor make over. It's funny what a difference new color(s) and some eyebrow fix does!
Yesterday I got my hair done! It was damaged and bleh in color so it got a mayor make over. It's funny what a difference new color(s) and some eyebrow fix does!
I chose black (duh) and a bottle of Ultra Violet from Manic Panic. And I love it! I'm lucky to have such an amazing hairdresser as a sister who's also the best in the world :) Feels a bit strange on the other hand not having my hair stuck in my brah...lol
2014-09-18 @ 07:59:25
2014-09-17 @ 08:19:52
Satt inne på Etsy igår kväll och kollade skal till mobilen. Finns inte så många roliga på Ebay än men Etsy sviker aldrig nördiga delen i mig hehe. Frågan är ju nu bara vilket man ska ta...vad tycker du?
I browsed Etsy yesterday looking at phone cases. There's not that many fun ones on Ebay yet for my phone but Etsy never failt the nerd in me. Question now is which one to get...what do you think?
I browsed Etsy yesterday looking at phone cases. There's not that many fun ones on Ebay yet for my phone but Etsy never failt the nerd in me. Question now is which one to get...what do you think?
2014-09-13 @ 19:22:00
Klickade hem denna lilla herre! Så fort han kommit hit så har jag ett komplett Team Free Will i samlingen när det gäller dessa figurer, Supernatural nörd queen som man är. Sen vet ju typ alla vid detta lag att Castiel är min absoluta favorit i hela serien ever hihi. Svårare att få tag på än de andra så glad är jag!
I clicked this little guy home! Soon as he has arrived I'll have a complete Team Free Will in the collection when it comes to these figures, like the Supernatural nerd queen that I am. And everyone knows by now that Castiel is my absolute favorite in the whole show hehe. It's hard to get your hands on compared to the other ones.
I clicked this little guy home! Soon as he has arrived I'll have a complete Team Free Will in the collection when it comes to these figures, like the Supernatural nerd queen that I am. And everyone knows by now that Castiel is my absolute favorite in the whole show hehe. It's hard to get your hands on compared to the other ones.