Dear Monday,
Ny vecka, nya äventyr och serier kommer fortsätta ramla in med säsongs start! Serier som kommer tillbaka på löpande band gör det lite lättare med vardagen faktiskt. Känns som jag precis simmar över ytan just nu för flög ner i värsta svackan flat faced för över 2 veckor sedan. Men även denna svacka kommer att passera, behöver bara fokusera på jobbet och vila mer än vanligt.
New week, new adventures and shows keep falling in with a season premiere this week as well! Shows coming back makes it easier to get through daily life right now. Feels like I'm holding my head just above the surface at the moment after having fallen down flat faced into depression time over two weeks ago. But it'll pass, I just need to focus at work and rest more than usual.
New week, new adventures and shows keep falling in with a season premiere this week as well! Shows coming back makes it easier to get through daily life right now. Feels like I'm holding my head just above the surface at the moment after having fallen down flat faced into depression time over two weeks ago. But it'll pass, I just need to focus at work and rest more than usual.