Because I'm a Rebel, Baby
2014-06-21 @ 11:03:16
Witchy Darling
2014-06-19 @ 08:37:24
Jobba idag sen så är det äntligen semester! Midsommar firas på hemmaplan med föräldrarna då jag inte kände för något större jippo. Blir hemmagjord potatissallad och alkoholfri cider för denna kisse :)
Work today then at last it's 4 weeks off! Midsummer is being celebrated at home at the paretns place since I didn't feel like celebrating it or such.
Work today then at last it's 4 weeks off! Midsummer is being celebrated at home at the paretns place since I didn't feel like celebrating it or such.
2014-05-30 @ 21:24:10
Mer snygga nyheter ifrån Shock! Tur man kan ta sig dit på imorgon och ännu mer tur man har Wolf Twin med sig som ska hålla i strypkopplet jag måste ha på mig då haha.
More lovely news from Shock! Lucky me that I can go there tomorrow and even more lucky that my Wolf Twin is with me to hold the leash I need to wear in there lol.
More lovely news from Shock! Lucky me that I can go there tomorrow and even more lucky that my Wolf Twin is with me to hold the leash I need to wear in there lol.
2014-05-27 @ 12:56:27
Dolls Kill // Inspo
2014-05-21 @ 08:11:35
{ Cosplay Inspo // Pinterest }
2014-05-20 @ 20:11:20
Monday Morning
2014-05-19 @ 07:52:52
Måndag och jag sitter och snoozar i min kaffekopp. Spenderade helgen med värsta mensvärken tittandes på Teen Wolf. Bjuder på lite fina ögonskuggor ifrån Madlady så kan ni titta på det medans jag vaknar till liv.
Monday and I'm snoozing in my coffee cup. Spent the weekend with the words girl pains watching Teen Wolf. Giving you a lovely eyeshadows from Madlady you can look at while I wake up over here.
Monday and I'm snoozing in my coffee cup. Spent the weekend with the words girl pains watching Teen Wolf. Giving you a lovely eyeshadows from Madlady you can look at while I wake up over here.
{ Home Is Where The Heart Is pt.3 }
2014-05-17 @ 19:02:19
{{ Anatomical Pillows }}
2014-05-14 @ 17:54:16
Funderar på att beställa hem dessa två kuddar! Dom är inte alltför dyra och dom skulle passa bra i vardagsrummet. Letar för fullt efter nya kuddar in dit så...Dom skulle vara nice ihop med Wednesday Addams kudden på Etsy jag antagligen kommer köpa.
Thinking of ordering home these two pillows! They're not that expensive and they would go well in the living room. Looking for new pillows + pillow cases for that room so...They will look perfect with the Wednesday Addams pillow on Etsy I'll probably buy soon.
Thinking of ordering home these two pillows! They're not that expensive and they would go well in the living room. Looking for new pillows + pillow cases for that room so...They will look perfect with the Wednesday Addams pillow on Etsy I'll probably buy soon.
2014-05-13 @ 07:37:25
Sista helgen denna månad så drar jag till Stockholm för att möta upp min Wolf Twin och sen spendera några timmar med henne där. Mellan alla kramar och fikande blir det alltid en massa shopping! Detta ovanför är bara några av godbitarna jag dregglar efter ifrån Shock, där jag brukar lägga största delen av mina pengar hihi.
The last weekend this month I'm going to Stockholm to meet up my Wolf Twin and then spend a few hours there along with her. Between all the hugs and drinking coffee we always go on a shopping spree! Above is a few clothing items I'm drooling after.
The last weekend this month I'm going to Stockholm to meet up my Wolf Twin and then spend a few hours there along with her. Between all the hugs and drinking coffee we always go on a shopping spree! Above is a few clothing items I'm drooling after.
Dragon Leggings // Black Milk
2014-05-05 @ 15:36:12
Ugh, I'm gonna die from the lovely!
2014-04-30 @ 08:27:18
På det stora hela är jag besviken på denna kollektion ifrån BM men finns några snygga stuff. Tartan forever in my heart liksom! Jag må klä mig svart på svart på svart med lite blod och mera svart men Clueless fashion kommer alltid ligga mig nära hjärtat och är just det speciellt den gula tartan trycket får mig att tänka på.
I'm disappointed when it really comes to it with BMs Witch Please collection but there are a few good stuff. Tartan foreven in my heart! I do dress in black on black on black with a bit of blood here and more black but Clueless fashion will always be precious to me and it's just that the yellow tartan makes me think of.
I'm disappointed when it really comes to it with BMs Witch Please collection but there are a few good stuff. Tartan foreven in my heart! I do dress in black on black on black with a bit of blood here and more black but Clueless fashion will always be precious to me and it's just that the yellow tartan makes me think of.
{{ Tumblr Inspo }}
2014-04-29 @ 16:39:45
LookBook // Inspo
2014-04-25 @ 13:15:13
Tumblr Inspo
2014-04-19 @ 20:01:23
{{ LookBook Inspo }}
2014-04-12 @ 18:06:47
{{ Qozmo Hi }}
2014-04-11 @ 23:17:05
In love with these shoes Shock just got in stock!
This world would be a whole lot better if...
2014-04-10 @ 13:51:39
The Best Project You'll Ever Work On Is...
2014-04-08 @ 17:18:44
{{ Magical Black Milk }}
2014-04-02 @ 19:00:04