Saturday // Lazy Kitten
2014-08-10 @ 11:40:01
Jag har gjorde inte så jäkla mycket igår. Är inte alls i form denna helg så det går långsamt fram. Har mest hängt med herr kanin och spelat Harry Potter.
I didn't do that much yesterday. I don't feel well at all this weekend so I'm taking it easy. I've mostly hanged with mr bunny and gamed Harry Potter.
I didn't do that much yesterday. I don't feel well at all this weekend so I'm taking it easy. I've mostly hanged with mr bunny and gamed Harry Potter.
2014-08-08 @ 11:50:32
Jag tvättade bokhyllan jag hittade på second hand och plockade dit små söta stuff. Tanken är den ska vara en display för funko figurer som passar i sovrummet. Ska ha Game of Thrones, Lord of The Rings och antagligen Harry Potter ifrån samlingen där inne. Tills dess kan jag ha andra fina saker i hyllan :)
Ramade också in 2 av mina nyare print designer. Som jag har funderingar på att börja sälja på WolfHeart Shop för en billig peng. Tänkte i 10x15 format till att börja med sen kanske större om intresset skulle finnas. Mjau eller fräs?
I cleaned the bookcase I found at the thrift store and put little trinkets in it. The idea later is for it to be a display for mainly funko figures that goes with the bedroom. I'm going to have Game of Thrones, Lord of The Rings and probably Harry Potter in there from my collection. Until then it can display other lovely things :)
Samsung Galaxy S5 Mini
2014-08-08 @ 08:43:09
Då min förra mobil började ge upp och krånglade för mycket för det skulle gå så har jag nu skaffat mig en ny! Det blev en Samsung Galaxy S5 mini som släpptes i veckan :) Då en vanlig S5 och liknande är alldeles för stor för min smak hehe. Jag älskarn!
Since my last phone started to give up and did not work much at all I got myself a new one! I got a Samsung Galaxy S5 mini which was released this week (in Sweden at least). Since a normal S5 is way too big for my taste hehe. I love it!
Since my last phone started to give up and did not work much at all I got myself a new one! I got a Samsung Galaxy S5 mini which was released this week (in Sweden at least). Since a normal S5 is way too big for my taste hehe. I love it!
{{ Mini Bookcase }}
2014-08-06 @ 14:13:40
Var på en liten second hand runda igår kväll och kom hem med denna söta mini bokhylla! Stod där helt själv och såg direkt den skulle vara fin i sovrummet. Blir bra att ha merchandise m.m i sen när det är mer i ordning där inne. 50 spänn gav jag för den! ^^
I found this super lovely mini bookcase yesterday when I went to the thrift store for a really cheap price! I saw right away when it stood there all alone, that it would be great in my bedroom. Will look great with some merchandise and other trinkets.
I found this super lovely mini bookcase yesterday when I went to the thrift store for a really cheap price! I saw right away when it stood there all alone, that it would be great in my bedroom. Will look great with some merchandise and other trinkets.
2014-08-04 @ 08:30:26
Efter en helg fylld av gåendes i stan med awesome folk sitter jag här en ny måndag jobbandes med kaffe koppen i högsta hugg. Måndags död som alltid för det går bara att fly undan ifrån. Det ska bli 30 grader varmt idag och jag är inte glad någonstans åt detta. Värmebölja 2.0 är här!
After a weekend walking around in town with awesome people I'm sitting here yet another Monday working with my coffee cup ready. Monday dead as always because there's just no escape from it. It's gonna get super hot today and I'm not amused at all. Heat wave 2.0 is here!
After a weekend walking around in town with awesome people I'm sitting here yet another Monday working with my coffee cup ready. Monday dead as always because there's just no escape from it. It's gonna get super hot today and I'm not amused at all. Heat wave 2.0 is here!
Friday // Guardians of The Galaxy
2014-08-02 @ 12:21:05
Igår efter jobbet drog jag ner på stan för marknadshäng, fika, middag och avslutade med att se Guardians of The Galaxy! Och som vanligt sprang man på annat awesome folk igår så ska springa ner nu och ta en runda till och umgås med lite folk :) Vad har ni för er i helgen? Missa inte tävlingen btw ^^ !
Yesterday after work I went into town to hang with friends, drink some coffee, dinner and then ending it with watching Guardians of The Galaxy. And as always I ran into more awesome people so I'm gonna go to town now and meet up and hang :) What are you doing this weekend? Don't miss the give away btw ^^ !
Funko // Mystery Minis
2014-08-01 @ 08:46:00
Har fått dille på dessa små sötingar! Funko figurer är ju något jag vill samla på mer och köpte mina 3 första större en Stockholm tripp. Fick två minis i present av en polare inom TWD sen var det kört! Tänkte dom jag får dubbelt av kommer jag antingen sälja, ge bort och till och med kanske tävla ut i bloggen?
I have a little obsession of these little darlings! Funko figures is something I want to collect more and I bought my first 3 bigger ones in Stockholm a while ago. I got two minis as a gift from a friend from TWD and then I was doomed! I thought those I get doubles of I'll sell, give to someone or maybe even have a give away here?
I have a little obsession of these little darlings! Funko figures is something I want to collect more and I bought my first 3 bigger ones in Stockholm a while ago. I got two minis as a gift from a friend from TWD and then I was doomed! I thought those I get doubles of I'll sell, give to someone or maybe even have a give away here?
Collection // Zombie Shelf
2014-07-29 @ 19:50:00
Min första zombie temade hylla är nu full. Eller ja kan ställa in mer men inte utan att blockera något annat haha. Min nyaste darling står i mitten, en The Last of Us statue. Jag älskar den, detaljerna får mitt fangirl hjärta att slå 1 miljon gånger fortare. Men kommer behöva starta en ny då jag just nu har 4 st Walking Dead items jag ska köpa i år.
My first zombie themed shelf is now full. Well I could put more on it but not without blocking something else lol. My newest darling is in the middle, a The Last of Us statue. I love it, the details makes my fangirl heart beat 1 million times faster. But I will have to start a second one since I already have 4 Walking Dead items already on my to buy list for this year.
My first zombie themed shelf is now full. Well I could put more on it but not without blocking something else lol. My newest darling is in the middle, a The Last of Us statue. I love it, the details makes my fangirl heart beat 1 million times faster. But I will have to start a second one since I already have 4 Walking Dead items already on my to buy list for this year.
Make Up // Daily
2014-07-28 @ 17:12:08
This is what I use for the make up I wear most of the time. It's a good simple look that takes me like 5-10 minutes, life saver on work days :P
I'm a Fangirl, we don't do calm
2014-07-28 @ 12:04:24
Sitter och käkar lunch lite snabbt innan jag springer iväg resten av lunch timmen för att ta en sväng på apoteket och sen hämta upp min nya baby till samlingen på vägen tillbaka till kontoret! Vet en del vill ha en liten samlar tour och jag ska försöka fixa det.
Sitting and eating my lunch before I run off to do some errands during the rest of my lunch. Picking up my new baby for the collection on my way back to the office! I know some wants a little collection tour and I'm gonna try and fix that.
Sitting and eating my lunch before I run off to do some errands during the rest of my lunch. Picking up my new baby for the collection on my way back to the office! I know some wants a little collection tour and I'm gonna try and fix that.
I rather wear flowers on my body than die in this heat
2014-07-27 @ 11:31:00
Igår knallade jag runt i en blommig klänning (som händer en gång var 200 år typ) i hopp om att klara av värmen bättre, det funkade! Var på nördträff med fikande och nörd snack med awesome people. Bokade även något på seriebutiken i stan som jag ska hämta upp imorgon, satan så fint det kommer stå i samlingen.
Idag blir det nog mest plockandes här hemma, slänga in en tvätt osv. You know, en vanlig söndag för mig :)
Yesterday I walked around in a floral dress (which happens once every 200 year) hoping I would handle the heat better, it worked! I was on a nerd meet up with awesome people and had a great time. I also booked something at the local comic shop that I'm picking up tomorrow, it will look damn good in the collection.
Today it'll most likely be all about cleaning up at home, do some laundry and stuff like that. You know, a normal Sunday for me :)
Friday. My Second Favorite F Word.
2014-07-25 @ 10:57:58
Fredag! Sitter och jobbar hemifrån med en kanin i bakgrunden som har fått tuppjuck. Häller i mig vatten och äter vattenmelon like there is no tomorrow! Fy i helvete vad varmt det är asså! Okej att man ville ha sommar värme men kom igen, Sverige behövde inte flytta hela landet utomlands.
Friday! I'm sitting at home working with a bunny in the background that's totally crazy. Drinking water and eating watermelon like there is no tomorrow! Hot damn it so warm here! I mean yeah sure we wanted Summer heat but like, Sweden didn't have to move the whole country to tropical lands.
I Will Take What Is Mine With Fire & Blood
2014-07-24 @ 20:06:16
Hell On Earth
2014-07-23 @ 12:23:00
From yesterday.
Sitter på kontoret och tog precis lunch. Kämpar för att överleva den extremt varma dagen. Är inte alls i form pga usch :( Är bara att hälla i sig vatten hörni!
Sitting at the office and just went on my lunch. Fighting to survive the extreme hot day. I'm not in shape in all because of it :( Drinking water like there's no tomorrow!
Sitting at the office and just went on my lunch. Fighting to survive the extreme hot day. I'm not in shape in all because of it :( Drinking water like there's no tomorrow!
Work // Slush // Bunny Time
2014-07-22 @ 19:37:00
Ännu en dag på kontoret gick förbi fort. Vi svalkade oss med en slush (hallon smak nom nom) på lunchen för att överleva den extrema värmen. Det här är sommar för mig. Jobba soft trots mycket att göra på kontoret med awesome sällskap och en slush! Nu ska jag joina kaninen som intagit sin vanliga kvällsplats, framför TVn.
Another day at the office passed by quickly. We cooled ourselves down with a slush during lunch to survive this extreme heat wave. This is Summer for real in my eyes. Work relaxed even if there's much to do with awesome company and a slush! Now I'm gonna join the bunny who has taken his usual night spot, in front of the TV.
Another day at the office passed by quickly. We cooled ourselves down with a slush during lunch to survive this extreme heat wave. This is Summer for real in my eyes. Work relaxed even if there's much to do with awesome company and a slush! Now I'm gonna join the bunny who has taken his usual night spot, in front of the TV.
Ey yo, kitties!
2014-07-21 @ 20:34:57
Have a goofy webcam photo from the office!
Första dagen avklarad på kontoret and I'm loving it! Ja, vi har jobbat på lite soft speed idag som alltid första dagen efter semestern men damn it's good to be back! Ska snart natta kaninen och sen blir det senaste avsnittet av True Blood. Dom har redan krossat mitt hjärta på alla möjliga sätt så like, got nothing to worry about!
First day at the office is done and I'm loving it! Yeah, we worked on like half speed today as always on the first day back but damn it's good to be back! I'm gonna night the bunny soon and then it's time for the new episode of True Blood. They've already broken my heart in all ways possible so yeah, got nothing to worry about!
First day at the office is done and I'm loving it! Yeah, we worked on like half speed today as always on the first day back but damn it's good to be back! I'm gonna night the bunny soon and then it's time for the new episode of True Blood. They've already broken my heart in all ways possible so yeah, got nothing to worry about!
Back To Work
2014-07-21 @ 08:19:00
Måndag. Jag sitter här med en sovandes kanin vid fötterna, en kopp kaffe i högsta hugg och undrar hur man gjorde nu igen. Min semester är över, friden är slut för mina kollegor för I'm back at work! Ja, skulle vara awesome med mer semester men vet ni? Det ska bli riktigt skönt att komma in på vardagliga rutiner igen.
Monday. I'm sitting here with a sleeping bunny at my feet, a cup of coffee and wondering how I do this. My time off is over, peace is gone for my co-workers because I'm back at work! Yeah, more time off would be awesome but you know what? I look forward to getting my usual routines back on track.
Monday. I'm sitting here with a sleeping bunny at my feet, a cup of coffee and wondering how I do this. My time off is over, peace is gone for my co-workers because I'm back at work! Yeah, more time off would be awesome but you know what? I look forward to getting my usual routines back on track.
Things To Remember
2014-07-20 @ 18:15:20
2014-07-19 @ 12:10:55
Var iväg en sväng med pappa igår till Norrköping, handlade mest hem grejer till Herr Kanin. Efter att ha ätit as god lunch och landat hemma så hängde jag med Oliver resten av dagen medans jag fixade det sista till en viss tjejs package! Hade glömt hur mycket jag älskar att brev växla and stuff. Seriously, måste fixa så det blir vardag igen!
I was on a little roadtrip yesterday with my dad, mostly I bought some stuff for Mr Bunny. After a yummy lunch and coming back home I hanged out with Oliver rest of the day while I fixed the last things for a special girls package! I'd forgotten how much I love to fix snail mail and stuff. I seriously need to start having pen pals again!
I was on a little roadtrip yesterday with my dad, mostly I bought some stuff for Mr Bunny. After a yummy lunch and coming back home I hanged out with Oliver rest of the day while I fixed the last things for a special girls package! I'd forgotten how much I love to fix snail mail and stuff. I seriously need to start having pen pals again!
2014-07-18 @ 07:26:02
Jag passade på att köpa lite smink ifrån Nyx när jag var i Stockholm senast. Jag är sån som vill göra swaps and stuff innan jag köper mig en produkt. Varit nyfiken på denna mascara, Doll Eye Mascara Long Lash, en evighet och den är helt jävla underbar. Blir nog nya favoriten! Vet att Nelly har den mascaran blandat med annat smink ifrån detta märke. Köpte även lite annat därifrån, som en av deras kända Jumbo Eyepencils, Slim Eye Pencil och så ett Lip Butter.
When I was in Stockholm I took the chance to try and buy some cosmetic from Nyx. I want to touch, do swaps and stuff before I buy it. I was very curious of this mascara and omfg it's fucking amazing, most likely a new favorite! I also bought one of their famous Jumbo Eyepencils, Slim Eye Pecil and a Lip Butter.
When I was in Stockholm I took the chance to try and buy some cosmetic from Nyx. I want to touch, do swaps and stuff before I buy it. I was very curious of this mascara and omfg it's fucking amazing, most likely a new favorite! I also bought one of their famous Jumbo Eyepencils, Slim Eye Pecil and a Lip Butter.