Rick Grimes 10 Inch Deluxe Figure
En figur som jag måste ha wooo mama! Släpps av McFarlane Toys i december i Sverige och verkar bli lika fin i detaljerna som Daryl Dixon Deluxe 10 inch dom släppte för ca ett år sedan. Det är såna här grejer som gör mig knäsvag!
A figure I must get wooo mama! It's release by McFarlane Toys in December in Sweden and it seems to be just as nice and awesome with the details like the Daryl Dixon Deluxe 10 Inch they released about a year ago. These are the kind of stuff that makes my heart sing!
A figure I must get wooo mama! It's release by McFarlane Toys in December in Sweden and it seems to be just as nice and awesome with the details like the Daryl Dixon Deluxe 10 Inch they released about a year ago. These are the kind of stuff that makes my heart sing!