Jag är hög på livet just nu efter att ha vandrat runt i den mest magiska omgivningen EVER. Allstå allt bara...jag vill bo där okej. Jag gömmer mig i Hagrids stuga nästa helg och bosätter mig, that's it. Tog så många bilder med mobilen som jag hoppas blev bra, då man endast får fota utan blixt, så kommer nog bild bomber snart.
I'm high on life right now after having walked around in the most magical enviroment EVER. I just...I want to live there okay. I'll hide in Hagrid's hut next weekend and I'm gonna live there, that's it. I took so many photos with my phone that I hope turned out good, since you can only photograph without a flash in there, so photo bombs coming up.
I'm high on life right now after having walked around in the most magical enviroment EVER. I just...I want to live there okay. I'll hide in Hagrid's hut next weekend and I'm gonna live there, that's it. I took so many photos with my phone that I hope turned out good, since you can only photograph without a flash in there, so photo bombs coming up.