It's Gonna Be A Magical Day

Ni undrar säkert vad tusan jag gör uppe nu en lördag hehe. Jag ska på Harry Potter i Norrköping idag, that's why!! :D Blir lite gå på stan också! Och inte nog med att jag ska dit idag, jag drar dit igen redan om en vecka hihi.
You're probably wondering what I'm doing up already on a Saturday. I'm going to the Harry Potter: The Exhibition today, thatäs why!! :D Also some walking around in that town! And not only am I going there today, I'm going again already in a week hehe.
You're probably wondering what I'm doing up already on a Saturday. I'm going to the Harry Potter: The Exhibition today, thatäs why!! :D Also some walking around in that town! And not only am I going there today, I'm going again already in a week hehe.