2014-10-03 @ 10:49:15
Home Wants
Home Wants by thehowlingwolfheart featuring a skull bottle

Little Claudia // Polyvore

2014-07-01 @ 19:00:00
Little Claudia
Little Claudia by thehowlingwolfheart on Polyvore

Ghost Whispers

2014-06-30 @ 19:00:00
Ghost Whispers
Ghost Whispers by thehowlingwolfheart featuring Jill Stuart

Because I'm a Rebel, Baby

2014-06-21 @ 11:03:16
Untitled #146
Untitled #146 by thehowlingwolfheart featuring a plaid skirt

Witchy Darling

2014-06-19 @ 08:37:24
Witchy Darling
Witchy Darling by thehowlingwolfheart featuring a branch tree
Jobba idag sen så är det äntligen semester! Midsommar firas på hemmaplan med föräldrarna då jag inte kände för något större jippo. Blir hemmagjord potatissallad och alkoholfri cider för denna kisse :)
Work today then at last it's 4 weeks off! Midsummer is being celebrated at home at the paretns place since I didn't feel like celebrating it or such.

Wednesday Wishlist

2014-06-18 @ 18:20:48
Wish List
Wish List by thehowlingwolfheart featuring a print tank

{ M E O W }

2014-01-30 @ 20:32:47
M E O W by thehowlingwolfheart featuring Topshop

Untitled #146 // Polyvore

2014-01-27 @ 15:56:40
Untitled #146
Untitled #146 by thehowlingwolfheart featuring goth punk shoes

{ You Can't Sit With Us }

2014-01-23 @ 21:38:48
You Can't Sit With Us
You Can't Sit With Us by thehowlingwolfheart featuring knee high socks

{ Fumbling Towards Ecstasy // Polyvore }

2013-07-22 @ 16:38:28
Fumbling Towards Ecstasy
Fumbling Towards Ecstasy by thehowlingwolfheart featuring a black cotton dress

{{ Hellsing Organization Soldier #1 }}

2013-06-20 @ 14:14:53
Hellsing Organization Soldier #1
Hellsing Organization Soldier #1 by thehowlingwolfheart featuring h&m

{{ Whimsy Baby }}

2013-06-17 @ 10:07:27
Whimsy Baby
Whimsy Baby by thehowlingwolfheart featuring a cropped cami
Första dagen på semestern! Planen förra veckan var att sova läääänge idag, något man ej ofta kan göra på en måndag. Men eftersom jag bestämde mig igår för att köpa något riktigt kul så är jag idag uppe tidigt och pepp på att ta mig iväg! Håller tummarna det finns kvar i lager när jag tagit mig till Elgiganten och inte har min vanliga otur! Någon som kan gissa vad? Ni som har mig på Facebook vet redan så inga fuskare nu xD Nu ska jag skynda mig! Ciao Darlings!

{{ Moonshine & Stars }}

2013-06-15 @ 13:45:52
Moonshine & Stars
Moonshine & Stars by thehowlingwolfheart featuring genuine leather belts

{{ Untitled #132 // Polyvore }}

2013-06-13 @ 08:22:21
Untitled #132
Untitled #132 by thehowlingwolfheart featuring pentagram jewelry

{ Yes, Im a witch, Im a b(i)tch. }

2013-06-10 @ 14:29:27
Yes, Im a witch, Im a b(i)tch.
Yes, Im a witch, Im a b(i)tch. by thehowlingwolfheart featuring stretch belts

{{ sailor moon // polyvore }}

2013-06-08 @ 19:15:13
Sailor Moon
Sailor Moon by thehowlingwolfheart featuring hobo handbags


2013-06-04 @ 08:17:05
Baddies by thehowlingwolfheart featuring lace up shoes

Coffee & Cigarettes

2013-04-01 @ 13:05:50
Coffee & Cigarettes
Coffee & Cigarettes by thehowlingwolfheart featuring vintage booties


2013-03-30 @ 12:09:37
KITTY ♥ POW by thehowlingwolfheart featuring a rucksack bag

O U I J A ✖ B A B Y

2013-03-27 @ 18:31:39
O U I J A ✖ B A B Y
O U I J A ✖ B A B Y by thehowlingwolfheart featuring asos jewelry

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